Michael Academia

Michael Academia bio photo next to a photo of a bird on the wall

In honor of Michael G. Scott, we must remember the importance of our academic lineage and I am proud to be a part of it. Our reputation has earned respect and is held in high regard throughout professional and scholastic communities.  With the professors and staff, I was able to achieve much during my time as an undergraduate, that included a $65,000 grant that will replace an outdated water recirculation system at our on-campus hatchery. Thus, ensuring future students with unique opportunities and learning experiences as one of the only universities with a fish hatchery. The professors took the time, effort, and were dedicated to my success as I published a peer-reviewed scientific article in Western Birds between predator-prey relationships, specifically ospreys and the fish they eat. With significant findings, I presented my research at three major conferences including The First AFS & TWS Joint Conference (American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society)./p>

As leaders in our field, we are taught the importance of adaptive management and I am building the bridge between Ornithology and Fisheries Science. We are shifting the paradigm, considering trophic interactions other than our own, and moving towards Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management. I plan to continue my studies of ospreys as biomonitors of fisheries and aquatic health while pursuing a graduate degree.