Bret Harvey, Ph.D.
Current Research Interests
- Individual-based modeling of aquatic vertebrates to forecast population sustainability and understand the effects of habitat restoration
- Consequences of active riparian management for stream salmonids
- Understanding the success and effects of introduced fishes in streams
B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, 1980, University of California, Davis
M.S. Ecology, 1982, University of California, Davis
Ph.D. Zoology, 1987, University of Oklahoma
Courses Taught
FISH 685 Graduate Seminar (Experimental Designs for Field Research)
- Railsback, S. F., D. Ayllón, and B. C. Harvey. 2021. InSTREAM 7: Instream flow assessment and management model for stream trout. River Research and Applications 37:1294–1302. doi:10.1002/rra.3845
- Harvey, B. C., R. J. Nakamoto, A. J. R. Kent, and C. E. Zimmerman. 2021. The distribution of anadromy and residency in steelhead / rainbow trout in the Eel River, northwestern California. California Fish and Wildlife 107(2):77-88. doi:10.51492/cfwj.107.7
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, and D. Ayllón. 2021. Importance of the daily light cycle in population-habitat relations: a simulation study. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150:130-143. doi:10.1002/tafs.10283
- Kinziger, A. P., R. J. Nakamoto, J. L. White, and B. C. Harvey. 2021. Genetic analysis suggests Catostomus rimiculus (Klamath smallscale sucker) in the Smith River, California are introduced. Journal of Fish Biology 98:1321–1328.
- Harvey, B. C., and S. F. Railsback. 2021. "All fish, all the time": a good general objective for fish passage projects? Fisheries 46(3):119-124.
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, and D. Ayllón. 2020. Contingent trade-off decisions with feedbacks in cyclical environments: testing alternative theories. Behavioral Ecology 31(5):1192-1206. doi:10.1093/beheco/araa070
- Railsback, S. F., and B. C. Harvey. 2020. Modeling populations of adaptive individuals. Princeton University Press, Monographs in Population Biology. 170 p.
- Railsback, S. F., U. Berger, J. Giske, G. Hagstrom, B. C. Harvey, C. Semeniuk, and V. Grimm. 2020. Bridging levels from individuals to communities and ecosystems: Including adaptive behavior and feedbacks in ecological theory and models. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(1):e01648. (10 p.)
- Ayllón, D., S. F. Railsback, B. C. Harvey, I. G. Quirós, G. G. Nicola, B. Elvira, and A. Almodóvar. 2019. Mechanistic simulations predict that thermal and hydrological effects of climate change on Mediterranean trout cannot be offset by adaptive behaviour, evolution, and increased food production. Science of the Total Environment 693:133648.
- Kinziger, A. P., R. J. Nakamoto, A. Aguilar, A., and B. C. Harvey. 2019. California roach (Hesperoleucus symmetricus) in the Eel River of northwestern California: native or introduced? Environmental Biology of Fishes 102(5):771–781.
- Forbes V.E., S. Railsback, C. Accolla, B. Birnir, R. J. Bruins, V. Ducrot, N. Galic, K. Garber, B. C. Harvey, H. I. Jager, A. Kanarek, R. Pastorok, R. Rebarber, P. Thorbek, and C. J. Salice. 2019. Predicting impacts of chemicals from organisms to ecosystem service delivery: a case study of endocrine disruptor effects on trout. Science of the Total Environment 649:949-959. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.344
- White, J. L., and B. C. Harvey. 2017. Response of Steelhead/Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations to debris flows. Northwest Science 91(3):234-243.
- Forbes, V. E., C. J. Salice, B. Birnir, R. J. F. Bruins, P. Calow, V. Ducrot, N. Galic, K. Garber, B. C. Harvey, H. Jager, A. Kanarek, R. Pastorok, S. F. Railsback, R. Rebarber, and P. Thorbek. 2017. A framework for predicting impacts on ecosystem services from (sub)organismal responses to chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36(4):845-859. doi: 10.1002/etc.3720
- Harvey, B. C., and J. L. White. 2017. Axes of fear for stream fish: water depth and distance to cover. Environmental Biology of Fishes 100(5):565-573. doi:10.1007/s10641-017-0585-2
- Railsback, S. R., and B. C. Harvey. 2017. Understanding anadromy as an individual adaptive behaviour: theory and its consequences. In: Sea Trout: Science & Management. G. S. Harris, editor. Proceedings of the 2nd International Sea Trout Symposium. October 2015, Dundalk, Ireland.
- Harvey, B. C., and J. L. White. 2016. Use of cover for concealment behavior by rainbow trout: influences of cover structure and area. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36(6):1308-1314. doi: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1207728
- Ligon, F. K., R. J. Nakamoto, B. C. Harvey, and P. F. Baker. 2016. Use of streambed substrate as refuge by Oncorhynchus mykiss during simulated freshets. Journal of Fish Biology 88(4):1475-85. doi: 10.1111
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, S. J. Kupferberg, M. M. Lang, S. McBain, and H. H. Welsh, Jr. 2016. Modeling potential river management conflicts between frogs and salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73(5):773-784. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0267
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, and J. L. White. 2015. Effects of spatial extent on modeled relations between habitat and anadromous salmonid spawning success. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1220-1236. doi: 10.1080/00028487.2015.1079553
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, and J. L. White. 2014. Facultative anadromy in salmonids: linking habitat, individual life history decisions, and population-level consequences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71(8):1270-1278. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0091
- Harvey, B. C., and S. F. Railsback. 2014. Feeding modes in stream salmonid population models: is drift feeding the whole story? Environmental Biology of Fishes 97(5):615-625. doi: 10.1007/s10641-013-0186-7
- Harvey, B. C., J. L. White, R. J. Nakamoto, and S. F. Railsback. 2014. Effects of streamflow diversion on a fish population: combining empirical data and individual-based models in a site-specific evaluation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34(2):247-257. doi:10.1080/02755947.2013.860062
- Kinziger, A. P., R. J. Nakamoto, and B. C. Harvey. 2014. Local-scale invasion pathways and small founder numbers in introduced Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis). Conservation Genetics 15(1):1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10592-013-0516-5
- Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. 2013. Seasonal and among-stream variation in predator encounter rates for fish prey. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142(3):621-627. doi: 10.1080/00028487.2012.760485
- Railsback, S. F., M. Gard, B. C. Harvey, J. L. White, and J. K. H. Zimmerman. 2013. Evaluation of a salmon habitat restoration project using an individual-based model. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:384-399. doi: 10.1080/02755947.2013.765527
- Railsback, S. F., and B. C. Harvey. 2013. Trait-mediated trophic interactions: is foraging theory keeping up? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28(2):119-125.
- Barradas, J. R. S., L. G. Silva, B. C. Harvey, and N. F. Fontoura. 2012. Estimating migratory fish distribution from altitude and basin area: a case study in a larger Neotropical river. Freshwater Biology 57(11):2297-2305. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12003
- Harvey, B. C., and S. F. Railsback. 2012. Effects of passage barriers on demographics and stability properties of a virtual trout population. River Research and Applications 28:479-489. doi: 10.1002/rra.1574
- Railsback, S. F., and B. C. Harvey. 2011. Importance of fish behaviour in modelling conservation problems: food limitation as an example. Journal of Fish Biology 79:1648-1662. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03050.x
- Kinziger, A. P., R. J. Nakamoto, E. C. Anderson, and B. C. Harvey. 2011. Small founding number and low genetic diversity in an introduced species exhibiting limited invasion success (speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus) Ecology and Evolution 1(1):73-84. doi: 10.1002/ece3.8
- Spence, B. C., W. G. Duffy, J. C. Garza, B. C. Harvey, S. M. Sogard, L. A. Weitkamp, T. H. Williams, and D. A. Boughton. 2011. Historical occurrence of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in streams of the Santa Cruz Mountain region of California: response to an Endangered Species Act petition to delist coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-472. 113 p.
- Harvey, B. C., and M. A. Wilzbach. 2010. Carcass addition does not enhance juvenile salmonid biomass, growth, or retention in six Northwestern California streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1445-1451.
- Hill, B. H., F. H. McCormick, B. C. Harvey, S. L. Johnson, M. L. Warren, and C. M. Elonen. 2010. Microbial enzyme activity, nutrient uptake and nutrient limitation in forested streams. Freshwater Biology 55:1005-1019.
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, S. K. Jackson, and R. H. Lamberson. 2009. InSTREAM: The Individual-Based Stream Trout Research and Environmental Assessment Model. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report (PSW-GTR-218), Albany, California.
- Harvey, B. C., and S. F. Railsback. 2009. Exploring the persistence of stream-dwelling trout populations under alternative real-world turbidity regimes with an individual-based model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:348-360.
- Harvey, B. C., J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2009. The effect of deposited fine sediment on summer survival and growth of trout in riffles of a small stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:434-440.
- Harvey, B. C., and J. L. White. 2008. Use of benthic prey by salmonids under turbid conditions in a laboratory stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1756-1763.
- Harvey, B. C., and S. F. Railsback. 2007. Estimating multi-factor cumulative watershed effects on fish populations with an individual-based model. Fisheries 32(6):292-298.
- White, J. L., and B. C. Harvey. 2007. Winter feeding success of stream trout under different streamflow and turbidity conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1187-1192.
- Harvey, B. C., R. J. Nakamoto and J. L. White. 2006. Reduced discharge lowers summer growth of trout in headwater stream pools. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:998-1005.
- Harvey, B. C., J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2005. Habitat specific biomass, survival and growth of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during summer in a small coastal stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:650-658.
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, J. W. Hayse, and K. E. LaGory. 2005. Tests of theory for diel variation in salmonid feeding activity and habitat use. Ecology 86:947 959.
- Wilzbach, M. A., B. C. Harvey, J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2005. Effects of riparian canopy opening and salmon carcass addition on the abundance and growth of resident salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:58-67.
- Harvey, B. C., J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2004. An emergent multiple predator effect may enhance biotic resistance in a stream fish assemblage. Ecology 85:127-133.
- Nakamoto, R. J., and B. C. Harvey. 2003. Spatial, seasonal and body size-dependent variation in the diet of introduced Sacramento pikeminnow in the Eel River, northwestern California. California Fish & Game 89:30-45.
- Railsback, S. F., H. B. Stauffer, and B. C. Harvey. 2003. What can habitat preference models tell us? Tests using a virtual trout population. Ecological Applications 13:1580-1594.
- White, J. L., and B. C. Harvey. 2003. Basin-scale patterns in the drift of embryonic and larval fishes and lamprey ammocoetes in two coastal rivers. Environmental Biology of Fishes 67:369-378.
- Harvey, B. C., J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2002. Habitat relationships and larval drift of native and nonindigenous fishes in neighboring tributaries of a coastal California river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:159-170.
- Railsback, S. F., and B. C. Harvey. 2002. Comparison of salmonid habitat selection objectives in an individual-based model. Ecology 83:1817-1830.
- Railsback, S. F., B. C. Harvey, R. H. Lamberson, D. E. Lee, N. J. Claasen, and S. Yoshihara. 2002. Population level analysis and validation of an individual based cutthroat trout model. Natural Resource Modeling 15:83-110.
- Reese, C. D., and B. C. Harvey. 2002. Temperature-dependent competition between juvenile steelhead and Sacramento pikeminnow. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:599-606.
- Welsh, H. H., Jr., G. R. Hodgson, M. F. Roche, and B. C. Harvey. 2001. Distribution of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in relation to water temperatures in tributaries of a northern California watershed: determining management thresholds for an impaired cold-water adapted fauna. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:464-470.
- White, J. L., and B. C. Harvey. 2001. Effects of introduced Sacramento pikeminnow, Ptychocheilus grandis, on native prickly sculpin, Cottus asper and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in a coastal river of northwestern California. Freshwater Biology 46:987-995.
- Brown, L. R., A. M. Brasher, B. C. Harvey, and M. Matthews. 1999. Success and failure of non-indigenous aquatic species in stream systems: case studies from California and Hawaii. pp. 415-43 in: Nonindigenous Fresh Water Organisms: Vectors, Biology, and Impacts. R. Claudi and J. H. Leach, editors. Lewis Publishers Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.
- Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. 1999. Diel and seasonal movements of adult Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) in the Eel River, northwestern California. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 8:209-215.
- Harvey, B. C., R. J. Nakamoto, and J. L. White. 1999. The influence of large woody debris and a bankfull flood on movement of adult resident coastal cutthroat trout during fall and winter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:2161-2166.
- Harvey, B. C., and T. E. Lisle. 1999. Scour of chinook salmon redds on suction dredge tailings. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:613-617.
- Railsback, S. F., R. H. Lamberson, B. C. Harvey, and W. E. Duffy. 1999. Movement rules for individual based models of stream fish. Ecological Modeling 123:73-89.
- White, J. L., and B. C. Harvey. 1999. Use of habitat by prickly sculpin, Cottus asper and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the mainstem Smith River, northwestern California. Copeia 1999:371-375.
- Harvey, B. C. 1998. Influence of large woody debris on retention, immigration and growth of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in stream pools. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1902-1908.
- Harvey, B. C. and T. E. Lisle. 1998. Effects of suction dredging on streams: a review and an evaluation strategy. Fisheries 23(8):8-17.
- Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. 1997. Habitat-dependent interactions between two size-classes of juvenile steelhead in a small stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:27-31.
- Harvey, B. C., and R. J. Nakamoto. 1996. Effects of steelhead density on growth of coho salmon in a small coastal California stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:237-243.
- Harvey, B. C., and C. D. Marti. 1993. The impact of dipper, Cinclus mexicanus, predation on stream benthos. Oikos 68:431-436.
- Matthews, W. J., B. C. Harvey, and M. E. Power. 1993. Spatial and temporal patterns in the fish assemblages of individual pools in a Midwestern (U.S.A.) stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 39:381-397.
- Harvey, B. C. 1993. Benthic assemblages in Utah headwater streams with and without trout. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71:896-900.
- Harvey, B. C., and W. R. Hill. 1991. Effects of fish and snails on benthic invertebrates in a headwater stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 10:263-270.
- Harvey, B. C. 1991. Interaction of biotic and abiotic factors influences larval fish survival in an Oklahoma stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1476-1480.
- Harvey, B. C., and A. J. Stewart. 1991. Fish size and habitat depth relationships in headwater streams. Oecologia 87:336-342.
- Harvey, B. C. 1991. Interactions among stream fishes: predator-induced habitat shifts and larval survival. Oecologia 87:29-36.
- Hill, W. R., and B. C. Harvey. 1990. Periphyton responses to herbivores, predators, and light. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:2307-2314.
- Stewart, A. J., L. A. Kszos, B. C. Harvey, L. F. Wicker, G. J. Haynes, and R. D. Bailey. 1990. Ambient toxicity dynamics: assessments using Ceriodaphnia dubia and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) larvae in short-term tests. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 9:367-379.
- Haynes, G. J., A. J. Stewart, and B. C. Harvey. 1989. Gender-dependent problems in toxicity tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 43:271-279.
- Harvey, B. C., R. C. Cashner, and W. J. Matthews. 1988. Differential effects of largemouth and smallmouth bass on habitat use by stoneroller minnows in stream pools. Journal of Fish Biology 33:481-487.
- Harvey, B. C. 1987. Susceptibility of young of the year stream fishes to downstream displacement by flooding. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 116:851-855.
- Harvey, B. C. 1986. The effects of suction gold dredging on fish and invertebrates in California foothill streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 6:401-409.
- Matthews, W. J., F. P. Gelwick and B. C. Harvey. 1986. Etheostoma radiosum (Orangebelly Darter) in the Washita River system in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 66:39-40.