Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, Ph.D.

Cynthia Le Doux-Bloom, Ph.D.
(707) 826-3523
266 Wildlife & Fisheries Building

My research interests have always focused on anadromous and marine fishes. I study their behavioral physiology, habitat use, and use their health to measure ecosystem health. I retired from State of California in 2019, where I worked for the departments of Water Resources and Fish & Wildlife since 1988. I also worked at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, MBARI, and consulting firms. I love teaching everything about the ocean and fishes, developing curricula in English and Spanish, and assessing student’s learning. I am honored to teach and mentor the world’s next and best aquatic scientists!

Personal Interests

Diving, horseback riding, fishing, hunting, and kayaking


Ph.D., Animal Biology, 2012, University of California, Davis
M.S., Marine Science & Bilingual Science Education, 1995, San Jose State, MLML
B.A., Marine Biology, 1989, University of California, Santa Cruz
A.S., Biology, 1986, Cabrillo College

Courses Taught

OCN 109L General Oceanography Lab
FISH 220 Water Resources and Conservation
FISH 460 Advanced Fisheries Conservation and Management
SCI 100 Rising Tides: Becoming a STEM Marine Scientist
Faculty Advisor American Fisheries Society’s Humboldt Bay Student Subunit


LeDoux-Bloom, C.M., R.S. Lane, C.A. Masatani, G.J. Christian, J.E. Hemmert, and A.P. Klimley. (2021).  Seasonal distribution, movement and habitat use of sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis in a highly-managed and tidally-influenced Pacific Coast Watershed. Environmental Biology of Fishes, Special Issue, Fish Movement. /10.1007/s10641-021-01197-2

California Indian Environmental Alliance. 2018.Cultural Impacts on Native Californian Tribal Fishing:Preliminary Methylmercury Fish Tissue Analyses from Clear Lake, Lake County, California. State of California, California Natural Resources Agency, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Sacramento, CA. Draft.

LeDoux-Bloom, C.M. 2016. Department of the Navy. Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing Activities Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Overseas Environmental Impact Statement-Chapter 3 Fishes. Department of the Navy. AFTT EIS/OEIS Project Manager Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Silverdale, WA

LeDoux-Bloom, C.M. 2015. Department of the Navy. Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Overseas Environmental Impact Statement- Supplemental.  Department of the Navy.  EIS/OEIS Project Manager Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest, Silverdale, WA.

LeDoux-Bloom, C.M. 2015. River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Case Study in Baylands Habitat Ecosystem Habitat Goals. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, San Francisco, Calif./S.F. Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, Oakland, CA.

Kennedy, T.K., M. Cane, M.D. Bowen, and C.M. LeDoux-Bloom. 2014. Head of Old River Predatory Fish Study. California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, CA.

Caro, T., J. Darwin, T. Forrester, C. LeDoux-Bloom, and C. Wells. 2011. Conservation in the Anthropocene. Conservation Biology, Volume 26, No. 2, 185–188. Society for Conservation Biology.

Recent Presentations

Salmonid Restoration Federation [Fortuna, CA; April 2023]. Pacific Lamprey: Anthropocene Sentinel for Pacific Northwest Water Quality, LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)

American Fisheries Society, Cal-Neva Chapter [Folsom, CA May 2022] Fishermen-Led Assessment and Monitoring Experiment (FLAME): A approach to collecting real time recreational fishery data to assist management efforts. LeDoux-Bloom CM (presentation)

Bay-Delta Science Conference [Virtual; April 2021]. Can a Prehistoric Fish be Today’s Canary of the Anthropocene?

Evaluating the Utility of using Lamprey to Assess Water Quality? LeDoux-Bloom CM. (poster)

Lamprey Informational Exchange [Vancouver, WA; Dec 2019]. Investigating the Utility of Lamprey as a Surrogate of Ecosystem Health in the Klamath Basin: Is a Prehistoric Fish the Canary of the Anthropocene?  LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)

Fish & Game Commission [Sacramento, CA; Dec 2019]. Delta Fisheries Management Plan. Striped Bass Reproduction Expert Witness.

LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)
Klamath Basin Monitoring Program [Yreka, CA; May 2018]. Big Mac vs. Slim Fast Bugs: Not All Fish Foods are Equal,

LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)
Salmonid Restoration Federation [Fortuna, CA; April 2018]. Super-Size Me: Invertebrate Fatty Acid Composition Matters, LeDoux-Bloom CM. (poster)

Yurok Tribe Klamath Estuary Workshop [Klamath, CA March 2018]. Reconstructing Historic Ecological Conditions of the Klamath Estuary, LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)

Salmonid Restoration Federation [Fortuna, CA; April 2016]. Presence and Prevalence of Parasites and Pathogens in California Salmonids, LeDoux-Bloom CM. (talk)

Ecological Restoration Program’s Predator Workshop [Sacramento, CA July 2013]. Sub-adult striped bass habitat use, movement, and residence patterns in the San Francisco Estuary Watershed, LeDoux-Bloom CM. (invited talk)

Inter-Agency Ecological Program [Folsom, CA; April 2013]. Seasonal Movement and Residence Patterns of Sub-adult Striped Bass through the San Francisco Estuary, LeDoux-Bloom, CM, Johnson ML, Doroshov SI, and Isely JJ. (talk)