Darren Ward, Ph.D.
I do research in basic and applied freshwater ecology. My research focuses on conservation ecology of Pacific salmon, with specific interests in life history diversity, mechanisms of population regulation, predator/prey interactions, and using mercury and other elemental tracers to study fish bioenergetics. Most of my research has a strong field work component because that's the fun part of fisheries biology!
Courses Taught
Former Graduate Students
Alvarez, J.S.* and D.M. Ward. 2019. Predation on wild and hatchery salmon by non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the Trinity River, California. Ecology of Freshwater fish 28:573-585.
Cochran, S.M.* and D.M. Ward. 2019. Comparing abundance-based and tag-based estimates of coho salmon marine survival. Fisheries Management and Ecology 26:165-171.
Roddam, M.* and D.M. Ward. 2017. Life history differences of juvenile Chinook salmon across rearing locations in the Shasta River, California. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:150-159
Vazquez, R.*, D.M. Ward, and A. Sepulveda. 2016. Does water chemistry limit the distribution of New Zealand mud snails in Redwood National Park? Biological Invasions 18:1523-1531.
Rebenack, J.J.*, S. Ricker, C. Anderson, M. Wallace, and D.M. Ward. 2015. Early emigration of juvenile coho salmon: implications for population monitoring. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:163-172.
Dijkstra, J.A., K.L. Buckman, D.M. Ward, D.W. Evans, M. Dionne, and C.Y. Chen. 2013. Experimental and natural warming elevates mercury concentrations in estuarine fish. PLOS ONE 8:e58401
Ward, D.M., K.H. Nislow, and C.L. Folt. 2012. Do low-mercury terrestrial resources subsidize low-mercury growth of stream fish? PLOS ONE 7: e49582.
Ward, D. M., K. H. Nislow, and C. L. Folt 2011. Seasonal shift in the effects of predators on juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) energetics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:2080-2089.
Ward, D. M. and Hvidsten, N. A. 2010. Predation: Compensation and Context Dependence, in Atlantic Salmon Ecology (eds Ø. Aas, S. Einum, A. Klemetsen and J. Skurdal), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
DOI: 10.1002/9781444327755.ch8